Effects of lean burn on combustion and emission characteristics of the gasoline/ammonia and ethanol/ammonia engine
本文在一台四缸四冲程火花点火发动机中研究了汽油掺氨和乙醇掺氨的燃烧和氮基污染物排放特性。结果表明:相比乙醇,汽油掺氨在发动机动力性和经济性方面更具优势,使用汽油/氨和乙醇/氨的氮基污染物排放规律相近;掺氨导致NOx排放大幅增加,受燃料型NOx温度正相关性、压力负相关影响,在λ = 1.0时NOx随点火提前而降低,而稀燃工况下温度对燃料型NOx的控制力有所增强,在λ = 1.2和1.4时NOx随点火提前而升高;NH3排放受狭隙效应和体积淬熄效应控制,且体积淬熄效应的影响随λ增加而增强; N2O排放受NH3低温氧化路径控制,随点火推迟和λ增加而增加。掺氨后,TWC在化学计量比下的NOx转化率降低,CO的转化率升高,高效区小幅向富燃区偏移。
In this paper, the combustion and nitrogen-based emission characteristics of gasoline/ammonia and ethanol/ammonia were investigated in a four-cylinder, four-stroke spark ignition engine. The results showed that: Gasoline/ammonia is more advantageous than ethanol in terms of engine dynamics and economy; the nitrogen-based emission patterns are similar when the engine is fueled with gasoline/ammonia and ethanol/ammonia. Ammonia blending significantly increase the NOx emission. Affected by positive temperature correlation and negative pressure correlation of fuel- NOx, it decreases with the spark timing advance at λ = 1.0. The control authority of temperature of fuel-NOx is enhanced in the lean-burn conditions, so it increases with the spark timing advance at λ = 1.2 and 1.4. The NH3 emission is controlled by the crevice mechanism and volumetric quenching effect, and volumetric quenching effect is enhanced with λ increases. The N2O emission is controlled by the low-temperature oxidation path of ammonia and increases with the delay of spark timing and increase of λ. After ammonia blended, the NOx conversion efficiency of the TWC decreases, while the CO conversion efficiency increases at the stoichiometric ratio, and the high-efficiency zone of TWC is shifted to rich-burn with a small amount.
清华大学 车辆与运载学院,北京 100082;清华大学 车辆与运载学院,北京 100082;清华大学 车辆与运载学院,北京 100082;清华大学 车辆与运载学院,北京 100082;
ammonia lean-burn nitrogen-based emission chemical reaction kinetic
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