Analysis and application of "mass-quantity" process of fuel energy in internal combustion engine cycle
为揭示内燃机燃料化学能通过工质热力学能转化为机械能整个循环中能量品质损降和数量耗散的根源,本文从循环历程的P-V和 T-S 图出发,利用热力学第一定律和热力学第二定律得出循环工质焓变情况,构建内燃机循环燃料能量“质-量”历程,分析影响内燃机动力性能的因素主要为燃烧做功情况和排气损失。并通过稀薄燃烧与自然吸气内燃机的对比分析,验证通过内燃机循环燃料能量“质-量”历程分析工质能量流向的直观性与可行性,为分析内燃机热效率提供一种新的直观的从根源上分析的途径。
In order to reveal the source of energy quality loss and quantity dissipation during the whole cycle of converting chemical energy of internal combustion engine fuel into mechanical energy through thermodynamic energy of working medium, this paper started from the P-V and T-S diagrams of the cycle process, used the first law of thermodynamics and the second law of thermodynamics to obtain the enthalpy change of circulating working medium, and builded the "mass-quantity" process of circulating fuel energy of internal combustion engine. The main factors that affect the power performance of internal combustion engine are combustion work and ex-haust loss. Through the comparative analysis of lean combustion and natural aspirated internal combustion engine, the intuitionistic and feasibility of analyzing the energy flow direction of working medium through the "quality-quantity" course of fuel energy in in-ternal combustion engine cycle is verified, which provides a new intuitive way to analyze the thermal efficiency of internal combustion engine from the root.
吉林大学 内燃机系,长春 130025;吉林大学 内燃机系,长春 130025;吉林大学 内燃机系,长春 130025;中国第一汽车集团有限公司,长春 130000;中国第一汽车集团有限公司,长春 130000;中国第一汽车集团有限公司,长春 130000;
Enthalpy change of circulating working medium Energy flow direction "Quality-quantity" process Thermal effi-ciency
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