Co-simulation of lubrication system of a gasoline engine
对某三缸汽油机润滑系统进行试验测试时,发现实测主油道压力比采用Flomaster仿真的结果在低转速下都高, 且在1500rpm时存在最大压力差约25%。此时发动机活塞冷却喷嘴尚未开启,主要泄漏量为轴承。因此为提高发动机 润滑系统仿真精度,确认轴承泄漏量对系统的影响,通过AVL EXCITE建立曲轴连杆动力学模型,计算出不同转速、 间隙、机油粘度及压力下的轴承流量特性。后导入Flomaster中进行整机润滑系统仿真,并与单体仿真结果及整机实 测结果进行对比。发现采用联合仿真的方式主油道压力与实测结果差距在7%以内,为后续其他整机润滑系统性能预测 提供了新的解决方案。
The lubrication system of a three-cylinder gasoline engine is tested,It is found that the measured pressure of main oil passage is higher than that of Flomaster simulation at low speed.The maximum pressure difference is about 25% at 1500rpm.At this time, the engine piston cooling jet has not been opened, and the main leakage is the bearing.Therefore, in order to improve the simulation accuracy of engine lubrication system, the influence of bearing leakage on the system is confirmed,The dynamic model of crankshaft connecting rod was established by AVL EXCITE, and the bearing flow characteristics under different speed, clearance, oil viscosity and pressure were calculated.Then it was imported into Flomaster to simulate the lubrication system of the whole machine, and compared with the monomer simulation results and the measured results of the whole machine,It is found that the difference between the main oil passage pressure and the measured results is less than 7%, which provides a new solution for the performance prediction of other lubrication systems in the future.
安徽江淮汽车集团股份有限公司 发动机公司,合肥 230601;安徽江淮汽车集团股份有限公司 发动机公司,合肥 230601;
lubrication system Flomaster AVL EXCITE
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