Agroforestry is the main step towards Sustainable Ecosystem:A Review
Agroforestry,the intentional integration of agricultural and forestry-based land use systems,provides multiple benefits that collectively contribute to agroecosystem sustainability.Agroforestry addresses the nation's land stewardship needs by converting degraded land,protecting sensitive land,and diversifying farm production systems.As part of an ecologically based land management system,agroforestry practices can maintain ecosystem diversity and processes that contribute to long-term sustainability and environmental quality.Many different sustainable management systems have been proposed as viable solutions to take pressure off tropical forests.Different agroforestry practices such as alley cropping,windbreaks,riparian forest buffers,silvopasture,and forestry farming are used,which have their own benefits as well as sustainable ecosystems.In addition,they contribute to the mitigation of climate change.These agroforestry practices provide a land-management system that increases production and ecological stability as well as supports sustainable development.Agroforestry practices encourage the sustainable development of degraded lands by maintaining human activity while conserving natural resources.Complex agroforestry can significantly contribute to sustainable development through its combined economic,environmental,and social functions.