
Composition of Trees and Variation of Color of Colorful Forest in Shimen National Forest Park


[目的]探究广州市彩叶林树种组成以及色相变化,并持续观测不同彩叶林的季相变化,为彩叶林营建提供理论依据。[方法]本文通过对石门国家森林公园内 5块彩叶林进行样地调查,并且应用无人机对彩叶林进行跟踪拍摄,量化图像色彩,以定性和定量相结合的方法研究其彩叶林树种组成、色相变化特征。[结果]石门国家森林公园的彩叶林乔木树种比较丰富,共 24科 35属 51种,以樟科、大戟科、漆树科、蔷薇科乔木为主;按色系分类,有红叶乔木、黄叶乔木、常绿乔木、白色叶乔木;按叶色呈现时期分类,有常绿乔木、春色叶乔木、秋色叶乔木、新叶有色叶乔木、双色叶乔木。彩叶林的色彩季相变化较明显,春夏季为绿叶期,秋冬季为彩叶期,彩叶期从 11月上旬开始至第二年的 3月中旬结束;彩叶林的最佳观赏期在 12月下旬,前后持续 30d,游客在此期间出行可以观赏到色彩丰富、层次明显的多彩森林景观。[结论]石门国家森林公园的彩叶林乔木树种比较丰富,色彩季相变化较明显,春夏季为绿叶期,秋冬季为彩叶期,彩叶林的最佳观赏期在12月下旬,本研究可以为彩叶林的经营提供一些理论参考。

[Objective]To investigate composition of the species and colour phase changes of colorful forests in Guangzhou,and to continuously observe the seasonal changes of different colourful forests to provide a theoretical basis for the establishment of colour forests.[Method]In this paper,unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)is used to track and shoot 5 colorful landscape forests in Shimen National Forest Park,and the image color is quantified.The qualitative and quantitative methods are used to study the status quo and changing characteristics of color attributes.[Result]The results show that there are 51 species of trees in 24 families and 35 genera in the Shimeng National Forest Park,mainly trees of the Camphoraceae,Euphorbiaceae,Lacertidae and Rosaceae families;the trees are classified as red-leaved trees,yellow-leaved trees,evergreen trees and white-leaved trees;the trees are classified as evergreen trees,spring-leaved trees,autumn-leaved trees,new-leaved trees and double-leaved trees by the period of leaf colour presentation.The colors of the colorful landscape forests in the Shimeng National Forest Park change distinctly in different seasons,and the color saturation and brightness fall in the middle range.Spring and summer are green leaf periods in which green is the dominating color,while autumn and winter are the color leaf periods.The best viewing period of colorful landscape forest is in the late of December and will last about 30 days.Tourists should travel to view the landscape with rich leaf colors and evident color layers.[Conclusion]This study would provide reference for colorful landscape forest configuration.




彩叶林 彩叶乔木 色彩量化 最佳观赏期

Color-leafed forest Color-leafed plants color quantization best viewing period

2728-2735 / 8


