
Effects of Fertilization and Pruning on Sapling Growth and Leaf nutrition of Phoebe bournei(Hemsl.)Yang


[目的]分析探讨养分和树体控制对其幼林生长和叶营养元素含量的影响。[方法]采用L9(34)正交试验设计,对 3年生闽楠幼林开展不同肥料种类、肥料用量和修枝强度试验。[结果]施肥与修枝管理对闽楠幼林有明显的促进作用,7年生林分平均地径、胸径、树高分别比对照提高 33.12%、23.03%和 23.53%。且不同肥种、肥料用量以及修枝强度对幼林生长的影响效应存在显著或极显著的差异水平,以施用复合肥芭田高塔 100~125g·株-1,修剪全树高 1/4的模式的促生效应最好,实施后,7年生幼林平均地径、胸径、树高分别达 4.67cm、3.87cm和 4.66m,比对照提高了 40.91%、68.12%和 36.91%;不同施肥与修枝对闽楠幼林叶片氮、钾、钙、镁养分含量的影响达显著或极显著,而对磷含量的影响差异不显著;影响闽楠幼林生长的主要营养元素为N、K、ca,且N-Ca、P-K、K-C存在正相关效应。[结论]通过人工合理施肥、修枝可以补充或改善树体营养结构,从而提高林分产量和质量。

[Objective]To study the effects of its growth and leaf nutrient content.[Method]L9(34)orthogonal test of different fertilizer types,fertilizer dosage and pruning intensities was conducted in a 3-year-old stand of Phoebe bournei.[Result]Fertilization and pruning management have obvious promoting effect on Phoebe bournei young plantation,ground diameter,breast diameter and tree height of 7-year-old respectively were 33.12%,23.03%and 23.53%higher than the control.The effects of different fertilizer types,fertilizer amount and pruning intensity on the growth of young forest were significantly or extremely significantly differences.[Conclusion]The growth promoting effect of pruning 1/4 height of young trees with compound fertilizer Batian Gaota of 100~125g·tree-1 was the best,whose average ground diameter,breast diameter and tree height of P.bournei were reaching 4.67cm,3.87cm and 4.66m respectively after implementation,they were40.91%,68.12%and 36.91%higher than the average.The effects of different fertilization and pruning on the nutrient contents of nitrogen,potassium,calcium and magnesium in the leaves of young Phoebe bournei were significant or extremely significant,but the effects on the content of phosphorus were not significant.The main nutrient elements affecting the growth of Phoebe bournei young forest were N,K and Ca,and N-Ca,P-K and K-C had positive correlation effects.Through artificial fertilization and pruning,the tree nutrition structure can be supplemented or improved,so as to improve the yield and quality of the stand.


福建省林业科学研究院,福建 福州 350012;福建省林业科学研究院,福建 福州 350012;福建省林业科学研究院,福建 福州 350012;顺昌县林业科学技术中心,福建 顺昌 353200;福建省林业科学研究院,福建 福州 350012;福建省林业科学技术推广总站,福建 福州 350003;


闽楠 施肥 修枝 生长性状 修枝 叶片养分

Phoebe bournei fertilization pruning growth traits pruning leaf nutrition

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