Modification of Sulfides in a High Sulfur Steel by Cerium Element
本文通过高温共聚焦原位观察实验研究了精炼渣对非金属夹杂物的吸附行为,研究了不同精炼渣成分、不同温度、不同夹杂物尺寸对夹杂物吸附速率的影响。计算了夹杂物的夹杂物容量Zh数和无量纲溶解速率Ry数,建立了Ry数和Zh数的函数关系式,并通过该公式预测了不同尺寸夹杂物的溶解时间和溶解速率,为钢液精炼过程中的夹杂物去除提供理论基础。研究了精炼过程精炼渣成分对钢中夹杂物成分的影响,研究发现低碱度精炼渣有利于降低硅锰脱氧钢中夹杂物的Al2O3 含量。精炼过程中精炼渣成分对铝脱氧钢中Al2O3 夹杂物改性的影响。渣钢反应对Al2O3 夹杂物的改性不是钢中生成CaO-Al2O3 类夹杂物的主要原因。
The dissolution of inclusions in the Al2O3-SiO2-CaO refining slag was in-situ observed using a high-temperature confocal scanning laser microscope.The effect of slag composition,temperature,and particle size on the dissolution rate of inclusions in slag was investigated.The inclusion capacity of slag Zh number and the dimensionless dissolution rate Ry number of inclusions were calculated,and the functional relationship between the dimensionless dissolution rate Ry number and the inclusion capacity of slag Zh number was established.The dissolution time and dissolution rate of inclusions of different sizes were predicted.Effect of slag composition on inclusions in steel was investigated.A low basicity slag can suppress the formation of Al2O3 in inclusions.The effect of the refining slag on the modification of Al2O3 inclusions in GCr15 bearing steel was investigated.The formation of CaO-Al2O3 inclusions was hardly generated by the reaction between the refining slag and the molten steel.