Develop an experimental for remote survey for emergency machineries
Develop an experimental for remote survey for emergency machineries
Remote surveys for non-emergency machinery are expected to be actively researched and invested in.On the other hand,the remote survey for emergency machinery is not accepted to modify once it is already approved under the classification rules and international conventions.The aim of this study is to develop an experimental method for remote surveys for emergency machinery.It is proposed to use the Edge AI with image processing for remote surveys.The result of this study showed the remote survey model proposed in this study does not require any modification of the existing machinery and the installation of additional equipment for the survey is simple.Several findings from this research are expected to contribute to future research on a remote survey of other emergency machinery.
Hyunwoo LEE;Jeong-Bin YIM;
Korean Register, Busan, Republic of Korea;Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan, Republic of Korea;
remote survey emergency machinery edge artificial intelligence experimental model maritime autonomous surface ships(MASS)
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