An Actively Positioning System with an Accurate Localization Technique for Sunken Container via a Three-layer Network Structure

An Actively Positioning System with an Accurate Localization Technique for Sunken Container via a Three-layer Network Structure


Searching for the sunken container is a significant task when an accident happens.However,it is challenging to figure out the accurate position of the container in such a highly dynamic and complex ocean environment.The container must have passively waited for detection on the seabed via scanning technology,which is inefficient.To get rid of the situation,the paper proposes a three-layer network structure where the container equipped with the sensors can indirectly but actively indicate its location in the underwater layer and share it with users.Moreover,considering the acoustic signal stratification effect,a localization technique that combines the bisection method and a linear estimator is presented in the underwater layer.A theoretical analysis of the proposed technique is also conducted.Simulations demonstrate that the proposed method has a relatively satisfactory localization accuracy compared with other state-of-the-art approaches.

Xiaojun MEI;Dezhi HAN;Yanzhen CHEN;Huafeng WU;Jiangfeng Xian;

;College of Information Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China;Marine Design & Research Institute of China, Shanghai, China;Merchant Marine College, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China;Institute of Logistics Science and Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China;


Positioning system sunken container three-layer network structure underwater wireless sensor networks(UWSNs) signal stratification effect

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