An intelligent and Auto-Response System toward Fixed point Marine Wind/Wave forecast

An intelligent and Auto-Response System toward Fixed point Marine Wind/Wave forecast


In order to improve the accuracy and timeliness of marine weather forecasts and the intelligence of marine weather forecast information response,and to fill the gap of real-time hydrographic information sharing between ships at sea and land,this paper investigates an intelligent response system for winds and waves over the sea.This study investigates multiple sources of comprehensive weather forecast information and provides ships at sea after processing on demand with them. The system can identify the request mail sent from the sea intelligently,extract the sea area,latitude and longitude coordinates in the mail subject automatically,analyze the latest numerical model meteorological data automatically by interpolation,and calculate the wind speed and wind direction change at a specific point in the next few days.At the same time,the system will automatically grab the latest weather forecast model maps issued by national specialized meteorological agencies,use Python OpenCV image processing to identify wind scales and wave heights at specific points.

Jian Jun;Sun Zheng;Xu Ke;Wang Heng;

Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, Liaoning, 116026 China;Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, Liaoning, 116026 China;Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, Liaoning, 116026 China;Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, Liaoning, 116026 China;


keywords:Intelligent response system Numerical model Web crawler Open CV image processing

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