Analysis of Growth Effects of Mechanized Fertilization on DH32-29 Eucalyptus grandis Clones
本试验通过采用机械开林耕带造林模式和传统造林模式,设置3 种不同的处理:林耕带外沿种植(T1)、林耕带内侧种植(T2)和传统造林(CK),探究不同的造林模式对DH32-29尾巨桉纯林的生长效应和土壤理化性质的影响。分析发现,T1、T2 胸径和树高生长优于CK,分别高出16.35%、12.5%和9.53%、6.89%;采用机械开林耕带造林模式能有效降低土壤的容重,有利于疏松土壤,并且可以显著改善林地的毛管孔隙度和总孔隙度,在各层的田间持水量上,均表现出T1>T2>CK,并且差异性显著,T1各层的田间持水量于CK相比差异显著,A层T1比CK高 16.88%、B层T1比CK高15.46%和C层T1比CK高 15.86%;开林耕带整地与传统造林的土壤养分分布存在显著差异,各养分含量之间的比率不同。开林耕带整地的松土力度大于人工扒带,说明在一定程度上增大了土壤的孔隙度和田间持水量,提高了土壤透水性和保水性,从而有效地改善林地的土壤物理性质并且促进林木对于养分的吸收,有利于提高DH32-29 尾巨桉人工林的木材产量。
This experiment investigates the growth effect of different reforestation patterns and the impact on soil physicochemical properties for DH32-29 pure eucalyptus forests by using the mechanical strip cultivation reforestation model and traditional reforestation model.Three different treatments were set:planting along the edge of the strip(T1),planting on the inner side of the strip(T2),and traditional reforestation(CK).The analysis revealed that both the diameter at breast height(DBH)and tree height of T1 and T2 were higher than those of CK,with an improvement of 16.35%,12.5%,9.53%,and 6.89%,respectively.The mechanical strip cultivation reforestation model effectively reduced soil bulk density,favored soil loosening,significantly improved the capillary porosity and total porosity of the forest land.In terms of field water capacity at each layer,T1>T2>CK,and the differences were significant.Compared to CK,the field water capacity of T1 in the A layer was higher by 16.88%,in the B layer was higher by 15.46%,and in the C layer was higher by 15.86%.There were significant differences in soil nutrient distribution between strip cultivation and traditional reforestation,with varying ratios among different nutrient contents.The soil loosening intensity of strip cultivation was greater than artificial strip removal,indicating an increased soil porosity and field water capacity to a certain extent.This improved soil permeability,water retention,soil physical properties,and promoted the absorption of nutrients by forest trees,thereby enhancing the wood production of DH32-29 pure eucalyptus plantations.
广西国有七坡林场,广西南宁 530225;广西国有七坡林场,广西南宁 530225;广西国有七坡林场,广西南宁 530225;广西国有七坡林场,广西南宁 530225;广西国有七坡林场,广西南宁 530225;广西国有七坡林场,广西南宁 530225;广西国有七坡林场,广西南宁 530225;广西国有七坡林场,广西南宁 530225;
DH32-29尾巨桉 机械开林耕带造林 生长效益 土壤理化性质
DH32-29 pure eucalyptus mechanical strip cultivation reforestation growth benefits soil physicochemical properties
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